Boats of Oxford

What is it with boats? Why do we look at boats and say, “That’s a pretty boat!”? In every harbour town there are accountants and lawyers and dishwashers and so many other people that have never touched a boat who still like to look at boats. The romance of sail seems to stretch back as far as boats themselves. I imagine some Viking saying “Wow, look at the lines on her!” before stepping aboard and setting off to ravage a town. There’s just something about the lines of a boat and the mystic of sailing that seems to capture many hearts.

This morning, we’re in Oxford, a lovely little town on the Chesapeake where the love of boats runs deep and stretches back hundreds of years. Friday night races are held in a crook of the river where all can watch from shore, with great sight lines.

View from the start/finish line of Oxford’s race fleets.

And nearby is a boat yard called Cutts and Case that builds, restores and sells vintage boats. Their yard is open for all to explore so they can share the love of looking at boats with the rest of us. Here are some photos of the yard and, of course, the boats!


  1. Beautiful Boats on a beautiful day. It reminds me of the Annual Antique Boat Show in Port Carling, ON All Sail boats are lovely but the old boats, when well taken care of, are truly a sight to behold. Great pictures.


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