Aaaaand, We’re Back!

Well dear readers, in case you haven’t already heard, I’m happy to tell you that Spartan is finally home! She seems to have survived months of solitude unscathed. I would love to tell you all about the twists and turns that led to her repatriation. And, someday, I shall. But for now, let me just say that we are greatly indebted to our great friends at CBYC.

For the whole time that we’ve been separated from Spartan, I’ve felt like I needed to hold my breath and wait. I didn’t really feel like writing any blog articles. I just wanted to not think about it and hope it would all go away. Now, with Spartan back in her home dock, I suddenly feel like I can breathe again. And write again!

Of course, our travels will likely be few and far between for the immediate future. But with your indulgence, I do feel like writing again, so I will try to continue the blog for a while and let’s see if there’s anything worth reading. I think I have a thing or two I’d like to say about jet skis. Also, I have a thing or two to say about Canada’s worst attribute: bugs! Who knows what other ramblings might happen in these pages? For the next few years, I think our adventures will be more of the existential sort as we figure out what we want to do when we grow up.

Having someone to write for has actually been a great comfort and at times, it’s even been a source of second sober thought. It helped us feel less lonely when we were away from loved ones. So, thanks very much for following us all the way home.


  1. Wonderful.!…what an adventure these past months have been for you…and not just the sailing. Of course, I have been in touch regularly with Kath, but it is so good to see another episode of your blog. I hope you both keep on writing…you are both wonderful story tellers…I honestly don’t mind what you write about..just write!
    Welcome back Spartan you are one resilient lady!


  2. Hurray! Spartan and crew are home safely! I look forward to more of your writing Thom and Kathleen (Kath, you’re going to do the occasional guest blog, right?)!


  3. Hurray! Spartan and crew are home safely! I look forward to more of your writing Thom and Kathleen (Kath, you’re going to do the occasional guest blog, right?)!


  4. Welcome Home Spartan & family! Thank you for your blogs & pictures. Thanks for taking me long on your journey. Places that I will ever get to go.Thanks Thom & Kat
    Love Auntie Muriel


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